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BREEEEXIT? / writed Hayri Guclu                        25.11.2018


On 23 June 2016, the British people went to a referendum to decide to leave the European Union. The result surprised the whole world. 52% of the vote was decided to leave. However, according to polls, 55% of votes was expected as a no decision. The separation process started on March 29, 2017. A month later, the

European Union and Britain met for the first time to discuss the process. Many issues that had to be solved for separation. The first draft presented in November 2018. In this process, Theresa May must first prepare a draft for separation and submit it to the ...

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Fransız Avukat

Gideon was charged with breaking and entering with the intent to commit a misdemeanor, which is a felony under Florida law.  At trial, Gideon appeared in court without an attorney.  In open court, he asked the judge to appoint counsel for him because he could not afford an attorney.  The trial judge

to appoint counsel for him because he could not afford an attorney.  The trial judge denied Gideon’s request because Florida law only permitted appointment of counsel for poor defendants charged with capital ...

Dengesiz Adalet Terazisi

5237 Sayılı Türk Ceza Kanunu’nun, ceza sorumluluÄŸunun esasları ile ilgili muhtevasının bölümlerini ele alan ikinci kısmının beÅŸinci bölümünü oluÅŸturan Suçların içtimaı bahsi, esasında birden fazla suçun tek fail üzerinde toplanması ve kanunun ilgili içtima hükümlerinin usulünce ceza muhakemesi dâhilinde

iÅŸletilmesidir. Ortada birden fazla suç bulunmasına karşın çeÅŸitli nedenlerle faile tek cezanın verildiÄŸi durumlara “suçların içtimaı” denir.¹ Bu ifadenin zihinlerde yanlış bir algı oluÅŸturmaması adına, suçların içtimaı kavramının ...

WELCOME TO TURKEY | ILCO & LAW               22.11.2020


We are a full-service organisation focused on international law and global business network. Our goal is making influential connections from all around the world on our professions. Today we are working on fifteen distinct specific areas with our experienced members. Our path goes through a better  law  and

reachs for a better future. We believe that in this destination the mission of lawyers is absolutely great. Achieving a more reliable, better, newer, faster and an effective legal system takes place largely in the presence of ...


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